MyLimeTraceability means TransparencyHow the Digital Product Passport comes in handDec 20, 2022Dec 20, 2022
MyLimeI have an NFT, what can I do now?The NFT market is at an all-time low; recent figures say that transaction volume has fallen by 98%.Nov 8, 2022Nov 8, 2022
MyLimeDPP and NFT, a love story to comeDigital product passport (DPP) is a seemingly complicated word you will hear mentioned more and more often.Oct 10, 2022Oct 10, 2022
MyLimeIs CryptoPunk the new trendiest brand?Some are sporting their NFTs on their Twitter profiles, and others are wearing them around their necks in diamond-studded rose gold, or at…Aug 23, 2022Aug 23, 2022
MyLimeThe best stories are found between the pages of a passport: The digital passport for EV batteriesFrom mobile phones and computers to electric bikes and vehicles, batteries are an essential component of various everyday equipment…Aug 2, 2022Aug 2, 2022
MyLimeBike industry and blockchain technology: a marriage that must be doneSince the covid outbreak, the way of doing business has dramatically changed. The pandemic has contributed to expanding and accelerating…Jul 19, 20221Jul 19, 20221
MyLimeFrom Bored Ape to Bored Hungry: The fine line between physical and digitalIn these past months, we have seen a surge in digital experiences, thanks to the recognition that NFTs are getting all over the world.May 9, 2022May 9, 2022
MyLimeThe key to lasting value creation: the blockchain Digital PassportDigital assets are everywhere in the news these days: cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, or non-fungible tokens (NFTs), just to name a few…Jun 21, 2022Jun 21, 2022
MyLimeIs DeFi the future of finance?Decentralization seems to be a game-changer in every field.Apr 25, 2022Apr 25, 2022
MyLimeThe new frontier of Hyper Luxury: The phygital ownershipAs luxury searches out NFTs, in-game worlds, and 3D virtual real estate, opportunistic players are racing to be the first to get there…Mar 14, 2022Mar 14, 2022
MyLimeA technical guide to DAOsThere’s still a lot of hype surrounding NFTs and crypto and their based technology, blockchain. But, apart from a speculative point of view…Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022
MyLimeNFTs projects: The Soho Houses of Web3In 2021 we experienced a surge in NFTs, and we have already seen many of their possible applications. But, as they are the fashion of the…Feb 14, 20221Feb 14, 20221
MyLimeA quick guide to NFTsEveryone is talking about them, but to the majority of people, they are still a mystery. We are talking, of course, about NFTs…Dec 6, 2021Dec 6, 2021
MyLimeFrom Big Data to Value CreationBusinesses are in constant need of data to translate knowledge into better decision-making, but most of the time struggle due to data…Jul 20, 2021Jul 20, 2021
MyLimeBlockchain made easy: The core componentsBlockchain technology has been rapidly ascending in these past years thanks to the spread of cryptocurrencies. Anyway, this technology…Jul 2, 2021Jul 2, 2021
MyLimeBlockchain-as-a-Service, what is it and why it has the potential to change the future.Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a concept that has been seeing a huge growth in the recent years due to its potential to change the…Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020
MyLimeHow to Deliver Short-Term and Long-Term Value Growth for your Brand through Blockchain technology.Blockchain technology has been a hot topic of discussion for several years, due to its potential to impact and innovate a multitude of…May 26, 2020May 26, 2020